What is your best apple?

son of an apple oh my god you ughgh repeating characters my stinky left foot oh stupid gosh darn quizzes are full of stupid and listen to me i am not about that.

i was told to briefly describe my quiz. suffice it to say it is nothing short of the greatest piece of art of our time. I know you will have an orgasmic time. enjoy. apple

Created by: WOAHBUTTS
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. SO I hear you like apples. That's pretty messed up. Why do you like apples so much?
  2. Alright so you like apples. What about other fruits tho
  3. So listen. I didn't know what was in store for me when I was making this quiz. I don't know what else to ask... what's your sign
  4. How about them Knicks, amiright??
  5. what do you do at parties
  6. how many times do you poop a day probably
  7. what is going on
  8. why does god allow suffering?
  9. why the HECK is there a quiz what i dont know what to write for this question what aahahhakl helps ddhfjka oh fod sahoihd oij oi oy vey
  10. THIS is tha last question. oh my. i... i'm not prepared for this quiz to end I... this is all so sudden... I just want you to know that... well....

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Quiz topic: What is my best apple?