What is your Anti Ex-Boyfriend Destruction Level?

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Sometimes, when someone has abused you, you want some form of catharsis. Ignoring them and every gift they gave you might be enough for you, or you'll want to express your anger by destroying his stuff. Remember, vandalism is illegal and immoral, so if you actually want to destroy his stuff, make sure it's something you two legally share, and/or something he gifted to you. Some do it illegally, which is not recommended. Same with revenge. This quiz is also not for those who had a beloved thing be destroyed by a negligent parent, a NEGLIGENT/ENTITLED significant other, a toxic friend, a bratty/angry sibling, etc. Seek a therapist if you're bothered by an event like that that happened to you or someone else in the past.

Sometimes we're driven mad when somebody betrays our trust. Our boundaries. We talk to them about what they did, but they defend their actions, dodge the conversation, or lie they'd never do it again. Either way they always end up doing it again. It hurts. It feels good to air out by getting rid of everything that reminded you of them. This quiz is meant to be cathartic, whether you want to destroy stuff in real life or just fantasize about doing it.

Created by: Alexis
  1. You want to destroy your ex's stuff for cathartic release. What grouping of items do you want to destroy?
  2. Would you rather destroy his stuff...
  3. Which song is your breakup motto?
  4. Where is the line?
  5. Let's get down to specifics... you want to take your anger out on his car. You...
  6. You want to take your anger out on his gaming console. You...
  7. You want to go for his non-sentimental CDs. You...
  8. Would you do the same to his sentimental CDs?
  9. You want to go for his phone. You...
  10. What about his TV?
  11. Non-sentimental clothes?
  12. Would you do the same to sentimental clothing?
  13. Notes/papers he gave to you?
  14. Would you do the same thing to notes/papers that are important to them?
  15. Digital destruction?
  16. TV remote batteries?
  17. Care products?
  18. Which music video motivates you?

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Quiz topic: What is my Anti Ex-Boyfriend Destruction Level?
