Does your mom/dad hate you

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I have been abused have you? This is a quiz that you if your parents have abused you watch English Doreamon!!!!! On YouTube have some more fun!!! BYEEEEEE

Answer all questions for the truth do not blame me for any mental and or depression damage have fun! If you have some dolls make miniatures do not buy them go to YouTube and jest look up diy miniatures

Created by: Anderson
  1. How well do you get along with her/him
  2. Age
  3. What happens in public?
  4. What does that person think about you
  5. Dinner time
  6. What is the punishment?
  7. I got a D in math today
  8. Big fat rat
  9. 6+7
  10. What’s your favorite show

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Quiz topic: Does my mom/dad hate you
