What is your aesthetic?

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This quiz is to find out what aesthetic you are. Ofc you don't have to believe it, all it really is, is a guess but it's still a fun way to learn more about a new aesthetic and maybe it can become yours!

Whether you like your answer or not (if not, you can always retake it babe!) you will get an answer based on things I've learned online about the aesthetics, if i got something wrong about the aesthetic's please don't yell at me, just tell me nicely and i'll do my best to fix that next time i do a quiz like this, thank you and good luck!!

Created by: Stud_Muffin
  1. Do you like brighter or darker colors/shades?
  2. Do you have any of the following: LED lights, Sqishmallows, ripped jeans, or chain necklace(s)?
  3. What color is your devices case?
  4. Which is better, tiktok or snapchat?
  5. Do you have a pet? If so, what pet?
  6. Does your room have a fluffy or flat & patterned rug in it?
  7. Do you like colors or shades better (most of the time)?
  8. (completely unrelated, just checking if you all are sane)Do you eat ice cream and/or yogurt with a spoon or a fork?
  9. Which do you prefer over the other (most times)skirt or shorts? (or skorts :0)
  10. What time is happy hour (for you individually lol)?

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Quiz topic: What is my aesthetic?
