What is you warrior cat name...?

Warrior cats are very interestion creatures. Many things happen to them in the book and I reconmend you read them VERY SOON!!!!!!!! You will get the best answer I could think of, so don't worry.

I am not trying to boast but I highly reconmend this quiz. soon you will find much out about yourself. Have fun, guys. By the way, some quiestions don't have a meaning such as the last one. I just love cheese.

Created by: Scarpath
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Firestar comes to see you in your dreams. You can do anything you want with him. WHAT WILL YOU DO??
  2. Pick one of these
  3. Who do you like best
  4. LOVE or HATE?????
  5. Are you scared of the dark???
  6. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  7. what could you not live without? Cat style
  8. did you like this quiz??????
  9. do you love blood?
  10. (Random and has no effect) IS CHEESE YOUR LIFE?

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