What is ur personality?

hey this quiz was made by me and may have been inspired by ur quiz. pardon my spelling but im stuck in txt mode and i hate typin out full words. ur=your txt=text urself=yourself nvr=never...if you dont know then get a cellphone and txt any sane person they can tell you wut it means

my quiz rocks but i hate all the typin it bugs the heck out of me. i am a fast typer but i hit the wrong letter. the backspace bar is my best friend. enjoy my quiz and pay attention to the last question

Created by: yelyah
  1. Your favorite color is:
  2. What is your favorite movie?
  3. Favorite band?
  4. Who would u say u idolize?
  5. Do you believe in god?
  6. Do you cut ursrlf?
  7. What kind of wallpaper/paint color is ur room?
  8. Can you watch harry potter without screaming "TURN IT OFF FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD TURN IT OFF!!!!!"?
  9. Do you stalk people?
  10. Last question what best describes you in 1 word?
  11. BONUS: have you ever "bow chica wow wowed" with urself or any1 else b4?

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