What Is Your Cute Cat Name???

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I worked a long time on this quiz, I really hope you like it. So, since I love cats I am making this quiz for you!!! I hope you enjoy it just like I enjoyed making it!!!

I added some cool things like this and that also I added more boring stuff I really need to stop typing. Why am I still doing thiiiissss??? Okay byebye for now!!!

Created by: LuKi boI
  1. Do you like anime??
  2. Do you have ears and a tail???
  3. Are you a mammal???
  4. Do you bathe yourself with your tongue??
  5. Are you the ruler of your home???
  6. Do you have siblings???
  7. Are you an anime cat???
  8. What is your fav food???
  9. What is your fav color??
  10. How did you like my quiz???

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Quiz topic: What Is my Cute Cat Name???
