What is The Answer To Life?

This quiz is just a joke, please don't get offended by the answers. I had extra time and wanted to make this because it looked cool. I don't know. If at any point you don't want to answer a question, I don't know just click off.

I didn't put to much effort into this but had fun doing it. I tried to do make something fun and if you have hate please leave. Hope you enjoy the quiz! Disclaimer : This is just a joke, please don't be offended by and of the grades that you get. Just a Joke!

Created by: Lillian
  1. What is the Answer to Life?
  2. Why do people eat macaroni and cheese?
  3. Do you pour the Cereal or Milk first?
  4. How many slices do you cut pizza into?
  5. Chose the Answer
  6. Did the last question trick you
  7. Why did you take this test
  8. What was the point of this quiz?
  9. How often do you talk to your best friend
  10. Last question : How much have you learned about the answer to life from this quiz

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