What IEL Character Are You?

Have you read IEL? Of course you haven't, it hasn't come out yet. Are you Kennedi, the daring lingustics prodigy, Kresten, the teasing host, or Sanne, the jealous girlfriend? Maybe you're Amanda, the practical stepmother, or Berne, the wise mentor. If you like this quiz, check out the book when it comes out!

This quiz has helped me get a better understanding of my characters, and helped me develope their personalities, hobbies, weird quirks, and motives...

Created by: Astrid Lauer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is IEL?
  2. What two words would you use to describe yourself?
  3. Where would you most want to live?
  4. What is most important to you?
  5. You would rather be
  6. Whats your dream job?
  7. You would rather spend a Friday night:
  8. What colors do you wear most often?
  9. What is the first thing people notice about you?
  10. What is your favorite subject in school?
  11. Have you read IEL?

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Quiz topic: What IEL Character am I?