What ice cream are you?

There are many ice cream flavors. Have you ever wondered which one you are? I thought this topic would be fun and people like you would like to take it. So that is why I made it! Enjoy!

Did you ever want to know what ice cream flavor you would be? Or what ice cream flavor best fits you? Hopefully this quiz helps you find all your questions! Maybe you even try a new flavor!

Created by: Sydney & Anna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like sweet or salty?
  2. Do you like bright or neutral colors?
  3. Do you have a lot of friends?
  4. Do you like movies or books?
  5. Would you rather have coffee or pop?
  6. What pet would you rather have?
  7. Would you rather go to the beach or lake?
  8. Summer or fall?
  9. Would you rather watch TV or be with friends?
  10. Are you organized or unorganized?

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Quiz topic: What ice cream am I?