What hunger games charector are you?

This quiz tells you what hunger games charector you are most like.

Down below you will answer questions and this will help determine your hunger games charector. Please answer the questions honestly or the quiz will not work. Good luck!

Created by: Cameron Richards
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you are trying to worn a friend, you......
  2. What berry killed fox face
  3. How do you survive in the woods?
  4. What do you do before you go to sleep in the woods?
  5. Who do you think you are?
  6. What do you when you get burned?
  7. What is your favorite color
  8. Do you like the hunger games series
  9. Have you read the hunger games book yet
  10. Where you honest about these questions

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Quiz topic: What hunger games charector am I?