What Howrse Player Are You?

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Find ou ur howrse player! .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Created by: lollollol
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many horses do you own?
  2. Your Howrse goal is
  3. Howrse have granted you a free Horse, for some reason. You have 6 fantabulous choices, you choose:
  4. Someone has offered you the use of all their horses, and their password! You...
  5. A mini-mod has told you off for using 1 smiley to much. What do you think?
  6. A player asks you for 500e. They will pay you back, by giving you a horse do you:
  7. On average, how many people do you congratulate a day?
  8. Did you ever post something like this in the e.c classifeilds? >
  9. Your horse is called:
  10. Choose the correct descripion for a mini mod:
  11. This quiz is by {*_*}, who's result is' Famous player.' Will you go and congratulate her? Pleeeeeeeeeeeze???

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Quiz topic: What Howrse Player am I?