What Hogwarts House Do You Belong In

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Hi guys! This quiz will obviously not be as accurate as the actual Sorting Hat, but I put some effort into it, I swear. There are no clichés in this quiz (such as "Gryffindors are machos", "Slytherins are evil", "Ravenclaws are nerds" and "Hufflepuffs are potatoes"), and no questions like "what do you like better, lions, eagles, snakes or badgers?" Well, anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the quiz! :) and remember, I love you :)

Take this quiz if you want to find out where the Sorting Hat would place you (or at least where I, trying to think as the Sorting Hat, would place you. Unfortunately, I can try all I want, I'll never be as cool the singing piece of fabric). Oh and also, do not fret, dear person-who-is-taking-this-quiz, it is cliché-free, and you will meet none of the Oh-So-Annoying questions that look like this "what is your favourite colour, red, blue, yellow or green" Okay, I think that's all, enjoy the quizz my dear fellas :)

Created by: Romane
  1. You're in love with your friend (that sucks, huh? :( I know, I've been there), what do you do about it?
  2. You've had an accident and can't remember a thing about the last 10 years of your life. A guy maintains he is your fiancé, but of course you can't remember him. What do you do?
  3. You realise your friend is homophobic.
  4. What do you look for first in a guy/girl?
  5. Where do you think you belong LEAST
  6. You see a kid you never met being bullied in school.
  7. Who is the most inspiring character?
  8. Your least favourite character
  9. What would you say is you more admirable personality trait between the following?
  10. What do you usually do on a Saturday night?
  11. Well that's it, I guess, bye :)

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Quiz topic: What Hogwarts House do I Belong In