Wich Hogwarts House Do You Belong In

Every little kid wated untill they were eleven to get their Hogwarts letters, yet some of us still do this. Do you wonder what house you will be in when your letter finally comes? Now you can know ahead of time with WHAT HOGWARTS HOUSE DO YOU BELONG IN.

Are you still waiting for your Hogwarts letter? It will come, just give it time. Scared of facing the sorting ceremony? Find out wich house you're in right here so that you can have confidence!

Created by: shade
  1. You get a free period today. You...
  2. How do you feel about someone's blood-status
  3. If you saw a friend cheating on the owls test, what would you do?
  4. You're most excited to learn...
  5. You are most like...
  6. Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It smells differently to every person. When you smell it you smell...
  7. If you could study a magical creature, you would study...
  8. A troll is locked in a bathroom with someone who annoys you. They don't know about the troll. You...
  9. You forgot you had a potions essay do on Friday, an it's 9:00 PM Thusday night. You...
  10. Which house do you want to be in?

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Quiz topic: Wich Hogwarts House do I Belong In You can find more quizzes like this one in our Sorting Hat Quiz category.