What hogwarts house are you in

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Hi there I hope you like this quiz I love Harry Potter but could never find a good way to find out what house I am in After taking the official quiz I found out that I am a pureblood slitherin

Well any way I hope that you like this quiz and the results please leave a comment on how I can fix it so that it is perfect and if you want give me some good ideas for future quizzes thank you and good luck

Created by: Cinderstar_lokigirl
  1. Pick a mythical creature
  2. Your friends would describe you as
  3. Pick an animal
  4. Your favorite color is
  5. Your wand core is
  6. Favorite food
  7. Pick an emoji
  8. Pick a candy
  9. Let fate decide
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: What hogwarts house am I in
