What hobby should you have?

Have you ever wanted to have a hobby but couldn't decide on one? Take this quiz to find a hobby that is perfectly suited to you and your interests. Answer thoughtfully and honestly for the best result.

If you don't like the first hobby you get, see what the second and third recommended hobbies are. Maybe you will like them more. Feel free to rate and comment if you want to.

Created by: annafrozen12
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite place to be is...
  2. You prefer activities that...
  3. You would prefer a hobby that is...
  4. Your favorite class in school was...
  5. You would prefer a hobby that...
  6. You would best describe yourself as...
  7. You prefer activities that are...
  8. You have more trouble...
  9. What are your strongest skills?
  10. You would describe your energy level as...
  11. You are good at activities that require...
  12. You see yourself as...

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Quiz topic: What hobby should I have? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Recreation Quiz category.