What Hetalia character are you?(Not obvious, hopefully)

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Who are YOU? This quiz has 4 outcomes, all very different, yet all similar. Holy crap, I suck at summaries. Uh, well they're all minor characters and stuff... Okay, I give up! Just take the freaking quiz already!

Thanks for taking this quiz. I picked 4 random characters, because characters like America, Russia, and Italy are SOOO overused. Okay, so one of the ones here might be a little common...but you got to love him!

Created by: You Don't Want To Know
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You were walking home alone. Suddenly, someone grabbed you and thrust you to the ground. You were blindfolded. Your VERY first thought(not what you said) was as you were being grabbed/manipulated was...
  2. You're walking down the street and you see this REALLY CUTE guy/girl coming towards you. You think...
  3. You're standing in line for the restroom and you REALLY have to go, and the line is long. You...
  4. You're going to the circus with someone(from Hetalia)! You choose...
  5. Your opinion of censorship is...
  6. You really want a new phone. What do you do?
  7. Fight or flight?
  8. You like to spend free time...
  9. Pick a song(or an abstract noun)
  10. Describe your friends:
  11. Love leads to...
  12. Your favorite character in all of Hetalia...

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Quiz topic: What Hetalia character am I?(Not obvious, hopefully)