What hellhound are you?

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There are many forms of hellhound but if you look at modern day dogs which are descended from wolves then what are wolves descended from? If you have a diffrent answer other than a hellhound (if they exist that is) then go ahead.

Are you a hellhound?Do you have a strong will matched only by your physical strength?Can you make swift decisions?Well if so you could be a species of hellhound...

Created by: Drew
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see the neighbouring hellhound clan fighting and almost killing each other.Do you break up the fight?
  2. You are sitting grooming your shaggy fur when you hear human's voices.What do you think?
  3. You have been chosen to go kill someone and they have put salt on every possible entrance.What do you do?
  4. You have just been born and need to fight for power over your siblings.What fighting style do you use?
  5. You are roaming with a stray dog trying to lure it to Hell to turn it into a hellhound of your species.How do you plan to lure it?
  6. Some demon hunter is in Purgatory and you are hunting there.Do you alert the others and Lucifer?
  7. What colour is your pelt and eyes?
  8. What is your ranking in the hellhound pack of your species?
  9. What letter does your name begin with?
  10. What is your form?
  11. I see.Also last question.You are running in a forest away from something unknown.What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What hellhound am I?