What Harry Potter character are you

If you know the world of Harry Potter, You will LOVE this quiz, it tells you exactly what character most fits You.

What Hogwarts character are YOU. Find out now. Take the quiz and find out!!!

Created by: Dcfv57
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What describes you best.
  2. What's your favourite colour?
  3. Most important thing in your life.
  4. Most prized possession
  5. preferred house
  6. Preferred means of killing
  7. Preferred meal
  8. Preferred pet
  9. Favourite Game
  10. favourite dessert
  11. If you were an animagus what would you be?
  12. What would you see in the mirror of Erised

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter character am I