What Halloween Creature Are You?

People say there is no such thing as a witch, werewolf, ghost, or elemental fairy. Those people are wrong. Everyone was once a magical being. It is based upon who you are.

What creature are you? Not many realize their potential, hardly any. Then, there are those who know they are different. I toke my time to make this quiz. Everything is real.

Created by: Angie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy midnight strolls in the park?
  2. You lucky charm is. . . .
  3. What's you ideal pet?
  4. Sorry about this. . . What's you favorite color?
  5. Favorite sport is. . . . . .
  6. Favorite pastime is________
  7. The coolest name listed is. . .
  8. Your perfect home would be. . .
  9. You wear. . . .
  10. The one thing I always wear is. . . .
  11. During Halloween, you . . . .

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Quiz topic: What Halloween Creature am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Monsters Quiz category.