What Guinea Pig Coloration Matches Your Personality?

There are five options of what you might be. I hope you get a good one. Remember, this is an internet quiz. So the result may not be accurate. But it is a quiz about personality. So tell me if your answer matches you.

And please be honest. It will be more fun, and your answers will be more accurate. And please take the time to look at your results and think about if it is truly you.

Created by: WeirdheadGuineaPig
  1. Have you been called outwardly beautiful by anyone other than yourself?
  2. Inwardly beautiful?
  3. Do you have lots of friends?
  4. Do you still like to cuddle and be friendly and sit in laps and stuff? (And I mean like super young people do. Like zero- through five-year-olds do.)
  5. Does this sound heavenly to you? Everyone likes and respects you. The boy(s) or girl(s) you like adore you and fight over you, and all the other boys or girls also adore you and you can just tell them to back off then start making out with your boyfriend(s)/girlfriend(s).
  6. Are you kind?
  7. Do you respect nature and people?
  8. Do you interrupt?
  9. Are you patient?
  10. Was this quiz a waste of time?

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Quiz topic: What Guinea Pig Coloration Matches my Personality?
