What Gossip Girl character are you?

Do you love Gossip Girl? See which character you'd be from the upper east side. Are you Serena? Or maybe Dan? Or even Chuck or Blair? One things for sure, You know you love me XOXO Gossip Girl. :)

Do you love Gossip Girl? See which character you'd be from the upper east side. It'll only take juts a few minutes!!! You know you love me XOXO Gossip Girl. :)

Created by: Dillon Chapman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick a word that describes you.
  2. What is your favorite style?
  3. How do you like your hair?
  4. Do you read gossip girl?
  5. Do you watch gossip girl?
  6. Who's your favorite guy character?
  7. Who's your least favorite guy character?
  8. Who's your favorite girl character?
  9. Who's your least favorite girl character?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Gossip Girl character am I?