What Game to play next.

This is to see the games you should play next looking for games to play is now problem anymore because I fixes that with this quiz now go my boy take this quiz.

send me an email to ask about other games or anything like that [no emails] and have a very nice day so don't get lost in a store if you do get a gun and kill the walkers.

Created by: Riley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of game play do you like in the following.
  2. Do you like people following you?
  3. Out of this game what do you like the best?
  4. What would your class be?
  5. Do you like games with good character creation?
  6. What theme is best for you.
  7. What is you favorite animal?
  8. What of this do you like.
  9. Do you like making stuff.
  10. What would you rather kill.
  11. (Last One) What is a nice day to you?

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