What Field of Archaeology are You?

Archaeology isn't just cut and dry. It involves the study of many different areas and topics. Most archaeologists choose to specialize in a certain sub-field.

What archaeology sub-field are you? Your likes and dislikes and personality will determine your results. There are four different endings. Which one are you?

Created by: Desirae
  1. What is/was your favorite class in school?
  2. In a group of people you are the...
  3. Out of the following food groups, what is your favorite?
  4. Your favorite genre of books is...
  5. What clothing style are you?
  6. What is your favorite type of weather?
  7. Your favorite type of art is...
  8. What costume would you wear on Halloween?
  9. Out of the following, what is your favorite television channel?
  10. What is/was your dream job?

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Quiz topic: What Field of Archaeology am I?