What famous person will YOU marry?

There are many people in the world you can marry. This was just a fun little quiz just to use our minds. You need to choose a person who you love and you want to be with.

There are many questions that I kinda slaked off on and I know i shouldn't have! I just couldn't think of something! My goal is to get in the top 10 of the Quizzes!

Created by: ava
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who would you rather date?
  2. Where would you wanna get married?
  3. Where is your first date?
  4. Will you get a divorce
  5. Where will you live?
  6. How many kids?
  7. LOL
  8. Random
  9. How much did you enjoy this and BYE
  10. MEH

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Quiz topic: What famous person will I marry?