what Everybody Loves Raymond character are you

find out what Everybody Loves Raymond character you are like... Raymond or Robert or debra or marie or frank. I know you will like this quiz because I am a mind-reader.

do you love food? well if you do then I think your Marie. if you love tv then you could be frank. who knows what Raymond character you are. I DO! so please take this quiz and discover your destiny wait wrong quiz and bad spelling

Created by: matthew
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you the oldest child?
  2. can you cook
  3. what color are you fond of
  4. how happy are you
  5. do you love how food taste's
  6. do you what your siblings life
  7. are you married?
  8. are you married?
  9. what is the best disc in vol 3
  10. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Everybody Loves Raymond character am I