what element are you?

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There are many airbenders out there that have the power to do amazing things like move water and hold fire and freeze things but wich element are you?

do you have what it takes to handle an element to have the power to do the impossible to make choices you never had to make before?take this quiz and soon you will find your true element

Created by: trinidie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you rather...
  2. out of these 4 colors wich one is your fav?
  3. out of these 4 things wich one do you like best?
  4. whats your fav wheather
  5. when its raining out side you...
  6. when its snowing outside you...
  7. when its super hot outside you..
  8. its super windy outside you..
  9. there was no food left in your house but...wet mushy food,food on fire,frozen food,food with fertelizer on it ps you have no power
  10. would you rather...

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Quiz topic: What element am I?