What egg you are from egg! The game?

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Egg the game it's a really cute game!!! Made by nix hydra. So it have eggs so let's discovery what of these eggs you are of this tamagotchi!! Later comment what u got

Later I'm going to make a egg the game quiz part 2 (two) that we will discovery if you are a pixie egg, spectral, trash and more!!! Hope you enjoy my quiz!!!

Created by: Dunkleosteus
  1. what is your fav element?
  2. what You like and what are u?
  3. What pattern u want have in your skin?
  4. What food would u eat?
  5. What is your favorite movie
  6. What is your favorite egg?
  7. You purchased a spectral egg. How would you name it?
  8. You are going to raid with friends. What clothes you go with?
  9. Fav color?
  10. Last. What describe you?

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