What DragonVale dragon are you?

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This is a quiz that determines which DragonVale dragon you would be if you were one. It determines who you are by your personality. Don’t worry if you got the result that you didn’t want to. You can always retry.

Make sure to share this with your friends when done! And do not choose random choices. Choose whatever you think you like so you can figure out which dragon you are.

Created by: GlacierDragon77
  1. What would you say is your personality?
  2. What is your favorite season?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. What is your favorite subject?
  5. Do you meditate?
  6. Do you wish for a fancy house?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. What is your favorite drink?
  9. What do you like better?
  10. Which weather do you like?

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Quiz topic: What DragonVale dragon am I?
