What dog are you?

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Many People love dogs, and they are also known mans best friend! Some people wander What dog they would want to be, and get confused... But here you may find out!

What dog would YOU be? Take 15 easy questions, and think about which 4 legged dog breed you would be? Just think, in a few seconds, you could find out! There is no right, or wrong answer! Now you will know which do you could be, you dont have to think no more!

Created by: OmegaWolf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your Eye Colour
  2. What is your Favourite Dog Size?
  3. What Describes You best?
  4. What is your favourite Dog colour?
  5. What would you Like to be?
  6. How many friends do you have?
  7. Someone is bullying a little kid, and spraying Water On there head, and Kicking them. What do you do?
  8. If you were a stray, and someone was going to adopt you, would you let them?
  9. You were in a Puppy farm, as one of the Pups, and you were about to be picked. Then a new dog came in, and that dog was picked instead. How would you do?
  10. Another dog wanted to fight you, and started to snap at your foot? What would you do?
  11. If you were a Dog, How long would you Like to live for? (up to 18 years)
  12. What is your Favourite Dog type?
  13. What is your Favourite Canine?

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Quiz topic: What dog am I?