What does you mermaid tail look like

This quiz is about what mermaid you have. You will be either Flamicious, Icicles, or Purple Cream. Its up to you to answer the questions and find out what mermaid you are.

Do you like heat water or ice? You answer. Not me. Its your tail. Not mine. Yours! Have fun and your answer must be honest. Please! But still have fun.

Created by: Dragonmermaid
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite clour
  2. What do you like better
  3. Describe your self (be honest!)
  4. What is your favorite sea creature
  5. What is your favorite activity
  6. Which name do you like best
  7. Mermaid or Siren
  8. Would you rather...
  9. Where would you live
  10. Which power would you rather have

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