What does King Dice think of you?

hi i just wanna say that im making this quiz for fun.. im a fangirl of King Dice so yea anyways i think i should get going............................

......................... you’re still here? You want to know what this quiz is about? Read the title. Oh my gosh you are so dumb IT SAYS IT RIGHT THERE!

Created by: Lucycat
  1. Have you ever gambled at the Devil’s casino?
  2. What is your favorite color (+1 if you answer purple uwu)
  3. Did you bet your soul at the casino? (If you answered no on the first question then answer pineapples to this)
  4. Another question in the box below.
  5. Do you like Justin Bieber
  6. What do i write plz help
  7. How do you eat a kitkat
  9. So this is the last question :3
  10. Alright, this is the end, i hope you liked this quiz, goodbye!

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