What Does It stand 4?

I don't like typing and i have to type a lot but this quiz just tells you if you know IMs *i was bored when i made this quiz*um if you like this quiz have your friends take it so i can be famous*yeah right*

Do you really know your IMs or do you just like the number 42, after all it is the meaning of life *i have no clue what 42 has to do with anything* um so...yeah

Created by: Kiley

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What does SYDPH mean?
  2. do you know what LQTM means?
  3. Do you know what hag means? *opininated*
  4. Which do you use most?
  5. Do you have a cell phone?
  6. What does this say? "42" *this won't count against you*
  7. Someone asks you out what do you say?
  8. Have you answered 42 to any of the answers on this quiz?
  9. Do you get lonly?
  10. Do you know what OMG, LOL, NVM, or, TTYL means?

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