What does Flowey Think of You?

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Welcome to the Quiz! I drew all of the pictures for this Quiz! And I hope you enjoy your results! And Flowey is going to take over this Quiz JUST THIS ONE OKAY?!

Flowey: Howdy! I see your new here! Welcome to this Quiz! Btw I’m sure your super ANNOYING!! ANYWAY let’s see what I think of you... :)))))DONT THINK ILL LIKE YOU!!!

Created by: ItzBella2010
  1. Ok! First off! Pacifist? Or Genoside?
  2. Howdy! Flowey? Or no longer here Asriel?
  3. What do you think of chara?
  4. What do you idio- FRIEND think of Frisk?
  5. I’m running out of Ideas! Oh! What do you think about that idio-I MEAN friend?
  6. What if you had a Pet and I killed it?
  8. What do you think of me?
  9. This is the end of the Quiz :)
  10. Ok for real bye

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