What do you know about me?

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Pls take this quiz! You will enjoy it there are so many questions you won’t get bored! If you take this quiz I hope you enjoy it! I really hope you get most of these questions right!

You will love this quiz so much! All these answers will probably be very unexpected to you but they are true! You probably weren’t expecting this quiz to be a thing, but, it is!

Created by: Happykitten23
  1. Where am i most ticklish?
  2. Do i like to be tickled?
  3. am i afraid to be tickled
  4. am i afraid to ask someone to tickle me
  5. what would i do if i was tied up and about to be tickled?
  6. would i ever ask someone random to tickle me at school?
  7. Would i let you tickle me if you asked?
  8. will I show you my most ticklish spot?
  9. What is ur favorite tool to get tickled by?
  10. Can’t think of a question so, “what’s my favorite emoji?”

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Quiz topic: What do I know about me?

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