What gymnastics move matches your personality?

Hi! I made this because I was bored and wanted to see what you guys could do. I hope you enjoy this- it was fun to make and I hope it is fun for you too!

Ever wondered what gymnastics move called to you? Well.. here I have the answer just for you! I’m so glad you are here to test it out! Have fun! :DDDD

Created by: AnnaGymnastic
  1. Ok first, are you a gymnast
  2. What is your favorite color
  3. Can you do a split?
  4. Which is your fav?
  5. Can you do a backbend?
  6. Do you love gymnastics?
  7. Are you flexible?
  8. Do you like my quiz? (Doesn’t effect)
  9. Favorite thing to do in gymnastics
  10. how long do you practice a week?
  11. Favorite season
  12. What attracts you the most?
  13. Last question- What animal do you like most
  14. Jk! This is the last one! How many pushups can you do?

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Quiz topic: What gymnastics move matches my personality?
