What Disney Villain are you?

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Once upon a time, there was a man named Walt Disney. He was the brain behind most of the Disney fairy tales that we know and love. In these fantasies, there is always a hero/heroine and a villain. Every time the good guys win. But we think that the villains are what make the movies so amazing and entertaining!

That is what this quiz is about. By answering these questions, this quiz will tell you which Disney villains (except one) are most like you! Good Luck!

Created by: Raspy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you most like to do?
  2. Who would you dress up as on Halloween?
  3. What is your favourite snack/food?
  4. What kind of pet would you most like?
  5. Which High School Stereotype would you be?
  6. Who is your favourite heroine?
  7. What is your favourite drink?
  8. How do you wear your hair?
  9. What's your inner mean?
  10. What is your favourite colour?

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Quiz topic: What Disney Villain am I?