What Craziest Cats, Minecraft and more character are you?

This is all about what game/movie character you are. From 'N verlore Verstand (A lost Mind in Afrikaans) to Minecraft. It's really fun and also I'm only gonna put gibberish in the other paragraph BC I don't know what else to put.


Created by: PrideWolf666
  1. What is your hair colour?
  2. How many times do you fart a day?
  3. Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? Sorry this is a 2016 thing.
  4. Wait... what's your gender?
  5. Coolness?
  6. Which girl is the hottest?
  7. Joe Biden or Donald Trump? Finally some 2021.
  8. What else should I put?
  9. Do you think you're badass?
  10. Bye! Want a bonus? I'll give you a skip button if no.
  11. Here's the bonus. You see you're crush approaching you. What will you do?
  12. That crush asked you out!
  13. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What Craziest Cats, Minecraft and more character am I?

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