What color is your aura?

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An aura, loosely defined, is the haze of color around your person. It is invisible to the human eye, but some people think your aura defines your personality.

What color is YOUR aura? What shade of haze defines you? Take this quiz and discover why your personality is your personality, and what color your aura is.

Created by: Creativecat
  1. Pick one.
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. How is your temper? (be honest)
  4. Describe yourself in one word.
  5. If you could pick any place to live, it would be:
  6. You have agreed to be locked in a room for a week. You are provided with food and stuff, so don't worry. You can take one thing to do. Which is it?
  7. If you could have thirty of something, what would it be?
  8. Your perfect life, in a nutshell.
  9. Out of these six, your chosen occupation.
  10. And finally...Favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What color is my aura?