What character out of Percy Jackson are you?

What character are you out of Percy Jackson?!!!! Could you be Annabeth, Silena, Grover, Chiron, Percy or Clarisse?!! Take my fantastic great quiz!!!!!!

Are you wondering what character you are out of Percy Jackson?! Have you wondered if you could be Percy or Annabeth? Or even Grover or Chiron? Proceed and you will find out?

Created by: Midnight stars
  1. Who is your favourite character in Percy Jackson?
  2. What is your favourite weapon to fight with?
  3. What is your favourite thing?
  4. Who is your greek god/goddess mother?
  5. How would you describe yourself?
  6. Fate!!
  7. What do you like to wear?
  8. Hey!
  9. What is your favourite animal?
  10. Bye now!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: What character out of Percy Jackson am I?