What Character in Heidi Heckelbeck are You?

Have you ever wondered want Heidi Heckelbeck character you are? Then this truly is the very test/quiz for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Be it, helpful Heidi, scientific Bruce, fancy Melanie, or loyal Lucy, I hope you are very happy with the results,. If not, try taking it again and thinking a little deeper!

Created by: Adora Hostetler
  1. You wear:
  2. Someone is teasing your friend. You...
  3. Plays:
  4. I wish I had glasses.
  5. She-She Magazines:
  6. Froofy dresses:
  7. Friends:
  8. sdtheruioyh.zfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  9. You are a:
  10. Science is:

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Quiz topic: What Character in Heidi Heckelbeck am I?
