What Character are You in Aladdin 2019 Film?

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This is a good quiz to take if you know what person you want because it's answers are not to obvious mostly, I hope. The option that you can get are: Princess Jasmine, Aladdin, Genie, Jafar, and Dalia (Jasmine's handmaid).

If you answer honestly, you'll get a more accurate score. If you think you know what answer goes to what person, then still try to answer honestly. Sorry for any typos, and have fun, my loyal subjects (if you are confused, see my username).

Created by: Princess Jasmine
  1. First of all, are you male or female?
  2. What is your favorite color(s)?
  3. What letter does your name start with?
  4. Do you have a nickname?
  5. Have you ever called yourself by somebody else's name?
  6. What is your title?
  7. Choose:
  8. What would people say about you in a good way?
  9. What would people say about you in a bad way?
  10. Who do you want to get?
  11. Who would you hate it if you got?
  12. Who would you choose to be your BFF?

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Quiz topic: What Character am I in Aladdin 2019 Film?
