What celebrity are you most like?

there are many smart people but there is only one genuis.what kind of genuis im looking for?a genuis that knows about celebritys including micheal jackson,damon wayans and more!

are you the true genuis im looking for?!do you have what it takes to pass this quiz.well take it for a few minutes,thank about your celebrity know ledge,and you'll find out what celebrity are you!

Created by: xavier
  1. Micheal Jackson Debuted The Moonwalk While Performing What Song?
  2. When Did WWE Wrestler Eddie Gurrero Die?
  3. What Guy Does Selena Gomez Likes Most?
  4. In The Hit TV Show Everybody Hates Chris What Is The Name Chris' Father?
  5. Who's Expression?one million dollars!
  6. What Movie Did Damon,Marlon,Shawn,Kennan Ivory,And Kim Wayans make in 1988?
  7. On The Website [no urls] What Is Janet Jackson Trying To Look At?
  8. Who Was The First Ever Santa Clause?
  10. Who Created The moonwalk?

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Quiz topic: What celebrity am I most like?