What candy bar would you be?

What candy would you be??? wanna find out?? take the candy quiz!! its fun, fast, and easy!!! youll love it!! hope your ready to know the truth about the inside person of you!

Are you sweet or sour???? Dont think i'll tell you!!!cuz i wont....but i will tell you what candy-bar you are!!! prepare to be amazed!!! by the amazing quiz!!!

Created by: sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do You like chocolate?
  2. Do you like peanuts?
  3. Do You like carmel?
  4. do you like candy bars???
  5. whats your favorite color?
  6. Whats your favorite farm animal?
  7. what do wanna be when you grow up?
  8. Whats you favorite number?
  9. whats your favorite candy bar?
  10. Whats your favorite outdoor setting?

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