What candle sent are you?!?

This quiz tells you exactly what candle send you would be if you were a candle! Have u ever wondered what candle sent you would be?..... Me ether but I bet ur wondering now so enjoy:)

You know u have always wanted to know what type of candle sent u would be so font even lie about that! But now u can figure it out!! So take this quiz and stop ur waiting...!!!.!!

Created by: Karlee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fav. Candy
  2. What is your fav. Sport
  3. Do u have a bf?!?
  4. Are your parents...
  5. What is ur fav. ColOr?!
  6. What kind of grades do u make?!?
  7. Do u like kids?!?
  8. What jersey shore person do u like best!?!
  9. Are you shy?!?
  10. Are u ready for the results??

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Quiz topic: What candle sent am I?!?