What Camp Confidential character are you?

Have you read the Camp Confidential Series by Melissa J. Morgan? They are awesome! If you have, please take the time to take this fun quiz with 14 questions. You'd be surprised how much fun you'll have!

The Camp Confidential series has 25 books and is super creative. It's about twelve-fifteen girls who go to summer camp at camp Lakeview. I highly recommend them for any middle school or high school student. They are amazing and with this quiz, you can find out which character you are most like.

Created by: Natalie Goode
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite sport?
  3. What is your favorite free time activity?
  4. What color(s) are your bedroom walls?
  5. What is your best friend like?
  6. My worst nightmare is...
  7. Have an evil step sister?
  8. Can improv perfectly
  9. Pick one
  10. My favorite team for color war is...
  11. If I were a camp confidential character I would be...
  12. I live closest to the area of...

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Quiz topic: What Camp Confidential character am I?