What breed of horse are you?

Have you ever wondered what horse breed you would be if you were a horse? Well then take this quiz to find out if your a hyper thoroughbred or a beautiful arabian...ect.

Take this quiz if you love horses of even hate horses(which i hope none of you do) for you will be wondering for the rest of the day what your answer was...hmmmmmmmm

Created by: Brie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your owner turns you out to pasture. You
  2. You are having a jumping lesson with your owner. She points you at a very colorful jump. What are you thinking?
  3. You are having a jumping lesson with your owner. She points you at a very colorful jump. What are you thinking?
  4. You are put in a stall that another horse was in. The stall is a mess. You
  5. What horse food do you eat?
  6. Your owner turns you out in the snow without a blanket after she clipped you. How do you react?
  7. What best descibes your horse personality?
  8. You get to go for a trail ride! You come up to a river. You
  9. Whats your favorite color?
  10. Do you like this quiz?(no effect on your answer)

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Quiz topic: What breed of horse am I?