What Book Series Should You Read?

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Are you bored out of your skull with this crazy corona stuff? Here is a cool quiz that will tell you which book series will keep you busy throughout Covid19!

Please answer the following ten questions honestly. There are six different book series to explore in this quiz, so find out which one suits you best! (The results tell you the name of the author, so you can find the book more easily!) Enjoy!

Created by: ~Tsunami~
  1. Do you like animals?
  2. How do you feel about sports?
  3. What genre interests you most?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Roleplay time! Okay...Your parents just announced that your family is going on a tenting tour for two weeks! (Honestly) What is your reaction?
  6. Roleplay 2. You are waiting to get inside a building to watch a movie when you see a fox lying near the bushes, looking injured. You are 8 spaces from the front of the long, long, line when you notice. What do you do?
  7. How long is your attention span?
  8. I decided to be nice and give you a break from Roleplays, but...Roleplay 3.Your art teacher at school gives you an assignment to paint a picture of your choice, due in two days. You...
  9. (Please don't hate me for giving you another Roleplay!)Roleplay 4. Your little sibling walks into you bedroom and tells you that he/she is bored. What do you do?
  10. Please rate this quiz from 1 - 8 P.S. it won't affect your score! :)

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Quiz topic: What Book Series should I Read?

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