What big cat are you?

I've always been fascinated by domestic and big cats. I have taken many tests on the internet to see what big cat I was but I discovered that many we inaccurate.

So, I was inspired to make my own quiz hoping that other people enjoy it and hopefully it's accurate. So if you've ever wondered what big cat you are then you can come and find out here!

Created by: JamCat
  1. Which of these best describes your hair type?
  2. Night or day?
  3. Hot or cold?
  4. Can you climb?
  5. What do people notice about you the most?
  6. Are you popular?
  7. How kind are you?
  8. Which of these places appeals to you most to sleep?
  9. Someone comes up to you and tries to pick a fight. What do you do?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What big cat am I?