What Betta Fish Would You Like Best-Quiz

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Take this quiz to find out which betta you should adopt if you're going to get one! [Of course you don't have to take my advice xD] oh well. Take it for fun I guess?

Take this quiz to find out which betta you should adopt if you're going to get one! [Of course you don't have to take my advice xD] oh well. Take it for fun I guess...?

Created by: Bailey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you aggressive and/or like aggressive fish?
  2. Favorite color?
  3. Where do you see yourself?
  4. What's your favorite betta?
  5. What size tank would you like?
  6. Favorite season?
  7. How much time do you have for fish?
  8. How much money/spare money do you have?
  9. Are you enjoying this quiz? xD
  10. Idk what to put here xD

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